Camp Welby Pt.2

Gabe saw them right before he jumped. In that moment where you can’t stop, but haven’t transitioned to free fall, he saw the jade green glow of stairs underneath the water. His yell of joy caught in his throat unlike the other counselors. He fell into the lake like a late piano key being played— the water swallowing him in a rush of gurgled noise.

He kicked to the surface, joining the group. He couldn’t see the outline of the stairs with the water mimicking a sheet of obsidian. Gabe sympathized with the fool’s moon shining overhead.

Shouts for another jump were few, but enthusiastic. They swam to the shore and started the trek back to the camp and talked about college, old camp memories, and other legends Gabe had long since gotten used to as their soggy clothes dried out on the walk.

A hand pulled on Gabe and he turned to see Ryder. “Did you see them?”

“Did I see what?”

“The stairs!”

Gabe looked around before nodding. “I thought you said you could only see them at midnight. Or that’s what your brother said.”

“He must have been wrong. Do you think anyone else saw them?” Ryder said looking at the group ahead of them. Spirits were high as they bounced along the trail.

“I don’t know,” Gabe said. “Maybe someone will bring it up later. They’re probably just an old project from the thirties, right?”

“If you say so.” The pair lapsed into silence as they walked back. Their bodies worn like wrung towels from swimming. A soft luminescence filled the night as frogs croaked and fireflies flickered across the path.

The next week wrapped both boys up in camp duties and after hours shenanigans as they made the most of their late teens. Gabe kept an eye open for Emma as his crush proved stronger than ever. Ryder tried not to tease him too much about it, but would offer Gabe’s help whenever Emma needed something. What are friends for if they don’t lovingly embarrass and encourage you?

“Why do you keep avoiding me?” Emma said startling Gabe as he cleaned cutlery in the mess hall. She sat on the counter like a sphinx as she gave him a once over.

“I’m not avoiding you,” Gabe said staring into the dishwater. Foamy bubbles couldn’t hide his reddening neck. “I’ve just been busy with all the tasks.”

“Like cleaning knives?” Gabe looked up from the sink. Emma smiled and handed him a note. “Maybe you’ll finish up in time,” she said walking out leaving Gabe with wet hands and a water logged note.

Meet me at Cairns Point at Moon Rise -E