Anthology Plug

Shameless plug for both the paperback/ ebook anthologies I’ve written and published on Amazon. If you want to give them a peek— you can find them here for the Anthology of Odd or here for the Howl of the Hamjackal.

I’ve been getting back into the routine of writing— more recently with actual fiction stories with Camp Welby (which will definitely have more added to round it out). It’s been difficult with the winter months and constantly shifting schedule as I return to life over here in Portland.

There are times where I think I’ll never put together a full length book or movie script. But then I stop and ask why that’s important at all. Especially if I just want to write. What has been cool has been learning the process of putting a manuscript together and designing a cover.

It’s been very gratifying to feel a physical copy of an anthology in my hands (which I currently have five copies sitting on my kitchen island, so I’ll extent that joy in due time to some other readers).

All in all, if you like any of the stories on the website or feel like giving a little support to a fellow artist, consider buying a copy of the book or even a ko-fi donation if that tickles your fancy.

A return to the regularly scheduled content will commence hereafter—
