Small Moments
There are few things in this life that we take for granted more than time. And yet, we're burdened with the knowledge that our clock is always ticking. Not facing this fear head-on leads to pervasive anxieties.
Know that you are going to die- that your physical existence will come to an end. And match it with gratitude for being here at all. Each of us holds the immeasurable gift of conscious life. We know we are here- so use it. Understand the inherent danger of being alive- that a return to non-existence always beckons.
Use the fear you have for that to fuel your curiosity about the world. Use that giant, ever-looming fear to compel you to act when minor worries present themselves. Use the fear of death to enjoy the small moments, embrace love, and operate with grace.
I believe that if you can't laugh at the absurdity of being a hairless ape flying through space on a big rock then trivial disappointments are going to burn you every day for the rest of your life.
I enjoy today- knowing that is what I have. I have today, this moment, but no other time. No one on this planet can give me an answer with absolute certainty about what happens next. That's a beautiful thing. We are all equal in our ignorance of the afterlife- and it should bond us. Knowing that only today is sure- only these moments where you're reading this are certain- should compel us to dare to love each other deeply; to empathize in our collective struggle to make sense of our existence.
We operate our daily lives in a sea of chaos. There is no "taking a break" from living. Everything you experience, feel, or believe, is connected in one way or another. You cannot step away from the "world" because it is the reason we are here. It is all-encompassing.
We came from the darkness of non-existence, and with time, will return to it. In the meantime, we operate with a broad range of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. We are not meant to live this life in search of perfection. There's no possibility of that in this realm- the closest you can get is excellence. And excellence can only be crafted with the building blocks of failure. We exist with constant change. We are fundamentally tied to it with every breath we take.
As your days’ change- may they hold the same pattern of being your days for a while yet.