There are few things as problematic as summoning a God.
First of all, it helps to believe in them. Otherwise, it’s a slap in the face. Don’t believe, but you still want them to show? That’s a set of cosmic cajones you’re rockin’.
Say you’re not summoning a God— say it’s another ethereal force.
Say you’re summoning a muse. What then?
Well, once again we’re back to belief. Your request is filtered through the prism of your desires. That means no two summons are alike. That prism is the synthesis of soul and experience. A calibrated wavelength that radios out into the universe from a singular point— so when you call— remember there’s only one person that can answer— you.
That means you should steer clear of summons if your subconscious is a Diablo II remix or a Hieronymus Bosch crafted landscape.
But say you’ve got a “mundane” subconscious. A palatable one— safe. What then? Who arrives at the end of your signal fire? Bob Ross? Cleopatra? Not even close.
The odds for that magical roulette would be staggering. Surpassingly rare to retrieve anyone of note. Even (or especially) when requested.
No— the universe provides who you need. Sometimes it provides what you “think” you need. But oft is not so cruel.
So, if you’re set on this path. Set on calling to the Great Beyond for help & inspiration.
May I remind you as the dark hours draw near. As the candle wax boots the floor beneath your feet.
May I remind as you begin your first intonation.
There is no doorway the Devil does not know.